Lookout For These Scams

Scams can appear in many different forms…phone calls, social media, email, and many more. Identifying the scam and knowing what is happening is the best way to protect yourself.  

Phishing and Spoofing 

Phishing is when you receive an email that looks to be from a reputable sender/brand but asks you to click on a link, open an attachment, or call a fraudulent phone number to attempt to steal your personal information. Often these emails have typos, grammatical mistakes, or just look a little off. 

Spoofing is when a scammer disguises as a trusted entity or device to get you to tell them your personal or financial information.  

If you are suspicious, do not click on any links or attachments, call a number in the email, reply to the email, or provide any information on a call. Call the entity directly at a known good number. All legitimate entities will have their customer service phone numbers posted on their website. 

If you ever receive any correspondence, either email or via phone call, from Reliant that you find suspicious, please contact reliantrelations@reliantpayment.com

Artificial Intelligence Scams 

Unfortunately, AI can be used for bad too. Scammers are impersonating and cloning voices to trick people into giving money out of desperation and fear. If you are getting a call suddenly from a family member or friend in urgent need, hang up and immediately call them back on their personal number. If they do not answer, call someone that may be with them and knows them well.  

Online Marketplace Scams 

Often scammers will set up fake links and bogus ads on social media marketplaces to give you “unbeatable deals or sales” on brands you may like to buy. When you go to checkout, they will ask you to provide personal information and might ask you to pay using digital payment platforms like Zelle, Cash App, or PayPal. To avoid these scammers, always make sure to visit the brands website to see if the sale is legitimate and always use credit cards or debit cards to make payments because they often provide protection against scams.  

Check Fraud 

Scammers can steal checks directly from your mailbox or even use “deposited” checks that haven’t been disposed of properly. They use chemicals to erase and rewrite checks, create counterfeit checks, or even sell your personal info. Its important to only send checks from inside a post office, fill out all spaces of the check with a line, and always use permanent pen so the information is hard to erase. 

Other Common Scams 

Here is a list of other potential scams to be on the lookout for: 

  • Tech Support 
  • Government Imposters 
  • IRS Imposters 
  • Home Repair 
  • Advance Fee Scams 
  • Computer Virus 
  • ATM Withdrawals